Monday+Bean Water

Monday again
This time with snow
wet shoes
cold feet
And the same shit coffee
Bubble guts from the weekend
and a five o’clock shadow before nine AM
letting everyone know that you just couldn’t be bothered

We drive our stupid cars
to our stupid jobs
or don’t even get out of our pajamas when we work from home
And at the end of the day
every day
we try to feel some kind of good in that
Pretty soon it’s a few years later and you still can’t find that good feeling.
So it’s on to the next
New booze
New ass
New job
Same you
Until you realize that’s not even the you that you wanted to be
and for what, a SSI check and grandkids that don’t even bother to call

But not yet
It’s only Monday

From the Borderlands

From the Borderlands